Rare Antique 1894 Advertising Barrel Bank #1 White City Puzzle Savings Cast Iron

Rare Original 1984 White City Puzzle Savings Bank Barrel. This is an amazing antique collectable. Perfect gift for anybody who values saving a slice of history. It is in fantastic condition considering its so dang old. It still has some nice chic shine along with the vintage patina. There is one unfortunate hairline crack that starts at the top of the barrel and zigs down to about the middle back, near its tighten screw for the internal bracing. Antique & Very Rare Cast Iron No. 1 White City Puzzle Savings Bank. Very heavy cast iron bank, which I believe is also NICKEL PLATED!! It certainly looks and feels like it’s been nickel plated. I could be wrong about it being nickel plated. But I found this bit of research on an internet search.. Can nickel be plated on iron? The most suitable materials for nickel plating include steel, copper and copper alloys, brass, aluminum, zinc and zinc alloys, and iron or cast iron. Nickel plating provides these materials with benefits such as corrosion resistance, wear resistance, improved appearance, and protection against tarnishing. Further research reveals that the WHITE CITY BANK was located on the South Side of Chicago near RiverView Park. Made by The Chicago Nicol & Company. Measures 3.5 inches round and 4 inches tall. Has a very charming (I think original) screw knob in the shape of a chicken!! Please message me if you have any questions about the item posted. Thank you kindly for your business!