2 Authentic, Old Cast Iron Toy Safe Banks, Mandogangel & Scroll Designs Tbx2

WE SUPER PACK FOR EXTRA PROTECTION! The small safe is approx. 3 1/8″ hi x 2 3/8″ wide x 2 1/8 deep, (not counting the combination). The larger safe is 3 7/8″ hi x 2 3/4″ wide x 2 3/4 deep, (not counting the combination). They are not found in Andy Moore’s book, but still old and original. PROBABLY LISTED IN THE IBS book, but I do NOT have that book! These were found together and will sell together. They have been cute, when standing side by side in my bank / toy room shelf. The 10 photos show them from every angle and it is easy to see there are spots of rust. The small safe has a loose door, as shown, because of a tiny piece of the lower tip under the door. However it will easily stay in place to display, with no glue or tape. The larger safe has that man & dog on the front, with a flying angel on the top. The fronts, tops and bases are are cast iron. The sides, all heavy tin. Their weight alone, 1.3.5 oz. That’s only fair and all sellers should do it! But they don’t! GUARANTEED OLD AND AUTHENTIC! Please use the checkout. IF not paid within 3 days.